Area schools handling allegations against employees

School nurse charged

Amidst the chaos of the pandemic, two local school districts have added another burden to the never-ending list. Each will be tasked with filling vacant positions due to allegations, and now charges, of inappropriate relationships with students.

Rosebud-Lott school nurse Erin Paige Lewie turned herself in to the Falls County Jail on Wednesday, Dec. 9, around 1:30 p.m. She was arrested and charged with improper relationship between an educator and student, which is a second degree felony in Texas.

RLISD Superintendent Dr. James Rosebrock says the school district was made aware of the possible situation the Sunday prior. Lewie was instructed that she would be on a paid suspension until an investigation could be conducted.

Falls County Precinct 3 Constable Jerry Loden, who is also the school’s resource officer, says he took over the investigation after the district contacted him. A warrant was issued for Lewie’s arrest after enough evidence was found to support the allegation of a relationship with a 16-year-old male student.

Rosebrock told KXXV that RLISD is “deeply saddened by the situation.”

The 29-year-old Wacoan bonded out the same day, posting the $25,000 immediately after being processed, according to a press release. 

Just two days later it came to light that a similar problem was going on within Bremond ISD. Few details are available as it is an ongoing investigation, but what is known is that Child Protective Services and local law enforcement were made aware of the situation as soon as it was brought to the attention of the district.

"At Bremond ISD, the safety and well-being of our students are among our highest priorities," Superintendent Daryl Stuard said. He confirmed that the district is in full compliance with Texas law, having submitted a report to the State Board of Educator Certification and that an investigation is currently underway. 

Additional details on these two situations will be provided as they become available. There may be more up to date information at

The Marlin Democrat

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