BTW Reunion rekindled acquaintances

The 2024 theme “Bound by History, Reunited by Choice Continuing the Legacy of Love, Great Education, Greater People, Greatest Memories” was indeed just that as the Booker T. Washington Alumni & Ex-Students Educational Association (BTW) returned to their Marlin roots celebrating its 33rd Annual School Reunion, June 28-29. 

The Class of 1974 were the honorees as they celebrated their 50th class anniversary.  Additionally, the Class of 1964 (60 years) and Class of 1954 (70 years) were part of the celebration.

The BTW school spirit hit the city early Friday, June 28. Scheduled reunion-related activities were held at the BTW Alumni building. 

Under the leadership of Co-Chairs Carolyn Kiker King (c/o ’68) and Glenda Jackson Andress (c/o’74), the committee worked tirelessly to ensure a “Welcome Home Wildcats” atmosphere to the estimated two hundred-fifty attendees. With pre-registration leading the pathway, retrieving registration packets and reunion tees was a breeze as it didn’t take long for the vibrant gold reunion tees to illuminate the city. 

Numerous classes met and dined at the local venues to reflect, renew old acquaintances, and make new connections. Several purchased additional tees and souvenir books to take back to family and friends. A seasoned Alumni stated, “Facebook keeps everyone in the know as to what’s going on but nothing can compare to actually seeing one another!”

 The Reunion Mixer was held Friday night providing an evening of fun, games, dancing and door prizes. Special thanks to the local city and county first responders, as they prepared for the safety of spectators who lined the downtown streets on Saturday morning anticipating the traditional BTW Alumni parade. With over 30 entries, the parade was led by Parade Grand Marshal Ben Kirk and invited guests, Mayor Susan Byrd, Mayor ProTem Debra Levels McDavid and Marlin ISD Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Darryl Henson. 

Echoes of “Rat-a-tat-tat” stirred the onlookers as they recognized that the MHS Sounds of Thunder Drumline were nearby leading the parade. 

Under the leadership of the parade committee, Dwain Dancy (c/o ’68), local students participated in a service project by assisting with pre-ordered car decoration packets. The students decorated the cars as the parade participants enjoyed the delight of having their cars adorned in purple and gold. This was the first time offered service for BTW entries. Both students and chaperones were greatly appreciated for giving time from their summer break to participate. 

The parade route dismantled at the BTW Alumni building. Parade entry winners were Grand Prize - Marlin ISD Drumline, 1st Place - Class of ’74 float, 2nd Place - Slingshot motorcycle driven by Derrick D. Scott and 3rd Place -  Class of 1976 driven by Ralph Johnson.  Honorable mention was awarded to the President’s car.  To show BTW’s commitment to supporting the needs of the Marlin families and community, all attendees were provided free hot dogs, chips, desserts, and drinks with bottled water the most favored. 

“All dressed up with somewhere to go,” Alumni were embraced with breathtaking theme related decorations as they appeared for the dinner and dance highlighting Saturday evening. The Alumni were ecstatic as they continued to greet one another with hugs, fist-bumps, and sharing of happy moments and memories. Entertainment included DJ Scruggs and a 360 Photo Booth. Raffle tickets winners were Chevella Bell and Belva Young Outland.

BTW National President, Kathyrn Lynn Kelly (c/o ’68) introduced the National Officers and Executive Board of Directors: Chevella Bell-Vice President, Marjorie Grayson Sharp-Recording Secretary, Linda Williams Porter- Recording Secretary Assistant/Houston Chapter President, John C. Williams-Vice President, Houston Chapter, Linda Gude Canady-Treasurer, Billy Lawton- Chief Financial Officer, Rev. Rayford Butler-Chaplain, Joe Michael Pierce-Historian/Waco Chapter President, Elizabeth Richardson-Public Relations Officer/Marlin Chapter President, Sandra Hodges Sidle-President-Austin/San Antonio Chapter, Ernest Johnson-Ft. Worth Chapter President, and Andrew McDonald-Dallas Chapter President. 

President Kelly spoke to the general body on the future existence of the BTW building. Kelly also noted the need for an increase in membership including recruiting the younger generation, outreach for fundraising decisions and the upcoming 2025 officer election in which she will not run for a second term. After sharing, “There’s much work to be done to make things work,” Alumni were asked, “What role will you play in sustaining this legacy and making a difference for this process?”

As the Class of 75 prepare and look forward to Reunion 2025, the Alumni Association would like to thank the merchants and entire community for their extended support.

The Marlin Democrat

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