March 2 is Texas Independence Day

This coming Sunday is March 2, Texas Independence Day, the anniversary of when Texas adopted their Declaration of Independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836. 

Sam Houston was born on this day in 1793. The declaration document was signed by 59 settlers in Mexican Texas as they created the Republic of Texas and their independence from Mexico. 

This declaration of independence from Mexico began with the first shot of the Texas Revolution fired at the Battle of Gonzales on Oct. 2, 1835. Several battles followed, including Goliad and the infamous Battle of the Alamo, where 185 stout hearted patriots 

On Feb. 23, 1836, faced a Mexican force comprised of approximately 6,000 men commanded by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. They began a siege of the fort. 

The Texans held out for 13 days, but on the morning of March 6, 1836, Mexican forces breached the outer wall of the courtyard and overpowered the Texians. Santa Anna gave no quarter and ordered his men to take no prisoners. Captain Almaron Dickinson was one of the dead, but his wife Susannah Dickinson and her infant daughter were spared. Santa Anna sent them to Houston’s camp in Gonzalez with a warning that a similar fate awaited the rest of the Texian army if they continued their revolt. 

On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston’s Texian army defeated General Santa Anna’s troops at the Battle of San Jacinto and the General Santa Anna was captured the following day. The Texian army adopted the battle cry of, “Remember the Alamo!” The Mexican army retreated back to Mexico City, assuring the Republic of Texas a victory that allowed them to be an independent colony. Texas joined the United States in 1845. History tells us that the site of Sarahville de Viesca was established in 1834 by Sterling C. Robertson. And on Jan. 28, 1850, the Texas legislature created Falls County and named Sarahville de Viesca as the county seat. Local residents asked to choose their own location and a vote was held on Jan. 21, 1851, that changed the county seat from Viesca to Adams.Two months later on March 22, 1851, renamed Adams to Marlin in honor of early pioneer John Marlin. And that is a whole ‘nother story.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas State Flag

“Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas,

one state under God, one and indivisible.


State song

Texas, Our Texas! All hail the mighty State!

Texas, Our Texas! So wonderful so great!

boldest and grandest, withstanding ev’ry test

O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.

God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,

That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.


Texas Independence

O Texas my Texas, land of hist’ry an’ dreams,

The mystery of your early days,

From desert to pine forest to seashore an’ streams,

Your vast lands stretch through yonder haze.


From eons of darkness to bright an’ shinin’ star,

Home to those unafraid to trod,

Promising a life of intrigue to those from afar,

Given a blessin’ from God.


Your hist’ry written with heroic daring an’ deed,

Struggle an’ conflict abound,

With a fierce loyalty that one cannot impede,

The search of liberty found.


Staunch brave settlers in this strange an’ mystic land,

Survival in a life they chose,

With tenacity an’ backbone they made their stand,

As the Phoenix, they arose.


Only to be threatened by the tyrant’s sword,

As Santa Anna’s troops came,

One hundred eighty-five men stood on their own accord,

To fight for glory an’ fame.


The Texians thawarted the Mexican tricks,

1836 February 23rd,

Thirteen days would end on March 6, 1836,

Dying there, yet freedoms cry was heard.


The Lone Star Banner waivered but then flew strong,

Independence was declared,

On every Texians lips sprang phrase an’ song,

“Remember the Alamo” blared 


Though battle was lost, The Alamo stands with pride,

A tribute to Texas hero,

The defeated Mexican army was made to ride,

At the Battle of San Jacinto.


This fledgling Republic faced a time, hard an’ rough,

But to this life they were born,

This hardy lot stood firm an’ showed that they were tough, 

An’ from this land could not be torn.


Now, on March 2nd we stand, our respects to pay,

With a pride that is our reward,

We celebrate the Lone Star State’s Independence Day

An’ for Texas, we thank our Lord!

©  Ol’ Jim Cathey


 Tip o’ the week – Texas is a whole ‘nother state of mind…never mess with Texas!

 God Bless Texas Independence Day!

And join with us at First Baptist Church as we celebrate Texas Independence Day in worshiping our God and reading His Word!

The Marlin Democrat

251 Live Oak St
Marlin, TX 76661
Phone: (254) 883-2554
Fax:(254) 883-6553